
What is "Whistleblowing" or "Protection of Whistleblowers"

Whistleblowing is a term used to describe an act where an individual, known as the whistleblower, alerts their employer of unlawful or unfair practices. This act could have been committed by someone at the workplace (an employee) or another person in connection with their duties for the employer. According to the Whistleblower Protection Act No. 171/2023 (the "Act"), the company Vizocargo s.r.o., ID: 26966395, located at Lutonina 11, 763 12 Lutonina, is required from 1.8.2023 to establish an internal reporting system for unlawful practices. Whistleblowing is of fundamental importance to our company as it helps us uncover dishonest activities or suspicions thereof. It protects our values and contributes to greater transparency, responsibility, and ethics in the corporate environment. Through whistleblowing, issues and inappropriate behaviors can be discovered and addressed, providing our organization the opportunity to manage all identified risks. Moreover, this system ensures the whistleblower's anonymity and prevents any possible retaliatory measures.

How to Submit a Whistleblowing Report

In accordance with § 8 par. 2 of the Act, the company has entrusted Tereza Rosenbaum, located at Hlavní 182, Chýně 253 03 (referred to as the "authorized person"), with managing the internal reporting system. You can report via the whistleblowing system if you are an individual performing dependent activities in the basic employment relationship for Vizocargo s.r.o.

How to Report

If there has been an unlawful act in the company or you have information that such an act could occur, please report in Czech language by one of the following methods:

  1. Electronically via email
  2. In writing by mail
  3. By phone through the hotline
  4. In person (verbally) at the address of the authorized person

To correctly submit a report, please provide your FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, or identification data to verify your identity. If these points are not adhered to, it will not be possible to provide protection against retaliatory measures.

Reporting via Email

You can report electronically through the following email: whistleblowing@oktrans.cz

Written Report by Mail

You can submit reports in writing by mail to the "authorized person": Tereza Rosenbaum Hlavní 182 Chýně 253 03

To ensure the correct delivery of the parcel, please label it "For the Hands of the Relevant Person," "Whistleblowing Report," or similarly.

Personal (Verbal) Report to the "Relevant Person"

Upon a telephonic or written agreement (request), you can report in person at the address of the authorized person Tereza Rosenbaum, O.K. Trans Holding, Hlavní 182, 253 03 Chýně. You must be allowed to submit the report within 14 days from the day you request a personal submission from the relevant person.

Relevant Person for "Whistleblowing":

Tereza Rosenbaum whistleblowing@oktrans.cz Mobile: +420 602 440 068

Vizocargo also warns that in case someone deliberately reports false unlawful practices, they commit an offense punishable by a fine of up to 50,000 CZK. This person is not entitled to protection against retaliatory measures if they knowingly made a false report.